Source code for Hardware.HardwareImplementation

import chess
from Hardware import HardwareInterface, SafeDecorator
from typing import List, Any, Callable
import board
import busio
import digitalio
import adafruit_tca9548a
import adafruit_character_lcd.character_lcd_i2c as character_lcd
from adafruit_ht16k33 import matrix
from adafruit_mcp230xx.mcp23017 import MCP23017

[docs]class HardwareImplementation(HardwareInterface.HardwareInterface): """ Interface to Hardware chessboard""" _board_reed = [[None] * 8 for _ in range(8)] _perform_safe: Callable[[Callable[[Any], Any]], Callable[[Any], Any]] def __init__(self): """ Set up hardware connection Sets up connections to the following bus devices over the i2c bus: - Sets up a TCA9548a to handle the high traffic load on the bus - Sets up a 8x8 reed_matrix mapped trough 4 MCP23017 - Sets up a 9x9 led_matrix with the interface LedWrapper which uses a HT16k33 and 1 MCP23017 """ i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA) tca = adafruit_tca9548a.TCA9548A(i2c, address=0x71) self._perform_safe = SafeDecorator.perform_safe_factory(lambda: setattr(tca.i2c, '_locked', False)) self._lcd = self._perform_safe(lambda: character_lcd.Character_LCD_I2C(tca[6], 16, 2, address=0x27)) self._perform_safe(setattr)(self._lcd, "backlight", True) mcp = [self._perform_safe(lambda i: MCP23017(tca[i], address=0x20))(i) for i in range(4)] # Initialize reed matrix for file in range(8): for rank in range(8): pin_id = file if rank % 2 == 0 else 15 - file self._board_reed[file][rank] = self._perform_safe(mcp[rank // 2].get_pin)(pin_id) self._perform_safe(setattr)(self._board_reed[file][rank], "direction", digitalio.Direction.INPUT) self._perform_safe(setattr)(self._board_reed[file][rank], "pull", digitalio.Pull.UP) led_input_mcp = MCP23017(tca[5], address=0x20) # Map output buttons self._buttons = [] for pinId in range(8, 13): self._buttons.append(self._perform_safe(led_input_mcp.get_pin)(pinId)) self._perform_safe(setattr)(self._buttons[-1], "direction", digitalio.Direction.INPUT) self._perform_safe(setattr)(self._buttons[-1], "pull", digitalio.Pull.UP) # Initialize LED matrix self._led_wrapper = LedWrapper(matrix.MatrixBackpack16x8(tca[4]), led_input_mcp, self._perform_safe) self._led_wrapper.clear() def __del__(self): """ Turn of LED before shutting down """ self._led_wrapper.clear()
[docs] def mark_squares(self, squares: List[List[bool]]) -> None: """ Marks squares on the chessboard where squares is an 8x8 matrix implemented as a 2s list Note that squares are mapped as squares[file][rank] ie. a1 = squares[0][0], a2 = squares[0][1], \ b1 = squares[1][0] and h8 is squares[7][7] :param squares: 8x8 matrix of squares to mark on the chessboard where square [file][rank] \ is marked if square[file][rank] == TRUE """ self._led_wrapper.set_squares(squares)
[docs] def get_occupancy(self) -> List[List[bool]]: """ Returns all occupied squares as 8x8 matrix implemented as a 2d list Note that squares are mapped as squares[file][rank] so if square a2 is occupied then get_occupancy[0][1] is TRUE :return: 8x8 matrix with all occupied squares on the chessboard """ result = [] for file in self._board_reed: result_file = [] for square in file: result_file.append(not self._perform_safe(getattr)(square, 'value')) # result_file += [not square.value] result.append(result_file) return result
[docs] def promotion_piece(self) -> chess.Piece: """ Which piece to promote to Reads input button to select promotion piece, writes selected piece to display and waits for confirmation :return: Piece to promote to """ piece = chess.QUEEN while True: if self._perform_safe(getattr)(self._buttons[0], 'value'): piece = chess.QUEEN if self._perform_safe(getattr)(self._buttons[1], 'value'): piece = chess.ROOK if self._perform_safe(getattr)(self._buttons[2], 'value'): piece = chess.BISHOP if self._perform_safe(getattr)(self._buttons[3], 'value'): piece = chess.KNIGHT self.display(chess.piece_name(piece)) if self._perform_safe(getattr)(self._buttons[4], 'value'): return piece
[docs] def game_end_offers(self) -> HardwareInterface.Offer: """ Returns continue, draw or return offers If no button pressed returns continue, otherwise wait for confirmation :return: Always returns continue """ if self._perform_safe(getattr)(self._buttons[0], 'value'): while True: if self._perform_safe(getattr)(self._buttons[4], 'value'): return HardwareInterface.Offer.RESIGN if self._perform_safe(getattr)(self._buttons[3], 'value'): return HardwareInterface.Offer.CONTINUE if self._perform_safe(getattr)(self._buttons[1], 'value'): while True: if self._perform_safe(getattr)(self._buttons[4], 'value'): return HardwareInterface.Offer.DRAW if self._perform_safe(getattr)(self._buttons[3], 'value'): return HardwareInterface.Offer.DRAW return HardwareInterface.Offer.CONTINUE
[docs] def display(self, txt: str): """ Displays text string on hardware :param txt: text to display on hardware """ self._perform_safe(set_attr)(self._lcd, "message", txt) print(txt)
[docs]class LedWrapper: """" Wraps LED hardware """ def __init__(self, ht16k33: matrix.MatrixBackpack16x8, mcp: MCP23017, perform_safe): """ Initializes the led matrix using the ht16k33 and MCP23017 :param ht16k33: ht16k33 instance controlling a 8x9 led matrix :param mcp: MCP23017 instance controlling the left most row of LED """ self._ht16k33 = ht16k33 self._perform_safe = perform_safe self._column = [self._perform_safe(lambda i: mcp.get_pin(i))(i) for i in range(0, 9)] for pin in self._column: self._perform_safe(setattr)(pin, 'direction', digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT) # pin.direction = OUTPUT self._perform_safe(setattr)(pin, 'value', False) # pin.value = False self.clear()
[docs] def clear(self): """ Clears all square on the chessboard """ self._perform_safe(self._ht16k33.fill)(0) # squares.fill(0) for led in self._column: self._perform_safe(setattr)(led, 'value', False) # led.value = False
[docs] def set_squares(self, squares: List[List[bool]]): """ Marks squares on the chessboard Improvement on calling clear() then marking all squires since this prevents a flickering of the LED :param squares: 8x8 matrix with the squares to be marked """ def set_led(rank: int, file: int, val: bool): """ Turn LED at position rank, file on iff val :param rank: rank of LED to turn :param file: file of LED to turn :param val: turns on LED iff val is True """ self._ht16k33[rank, file] = val for file in range(9): for rank in range(9): # Check of LED should be turned on value = False if file > 0 and rank > 0: value = squares[file - 1][rank - 1] if not value and file < 8 and rank > 0: value = squares[file][rank - 1] if not value and file > 0 and rank < 8: value = squares[file - 1][rank] if not value and file < 8 and rank < 8: value = squares[file][rank] # Turn LED on or off if file == 0: self._perform_safe(setattr)(self._column[8 - rank], 'value', value) # _column[8 - rank].value = True else: self._perform_safe(set_led)(8 - rank, file - 1, value) # _ht16k33[7 - rank][file - 1]=True