Source code for GUI.gui

from Clients import ClientInterface, ConsoleClient, ChessDotComClient, EngineClient
import PySimpleGUI as Sg
import chess
import time
from typing import Optional

[docs]def create_start_screen() -> Sg.Window: """ Creates gui for simple start screen :return: A window with 3 buttons to select the client to start and an exit button """ screen = [[Sg.Text("Select opponent:")], [Sg.Button(""), Sg.Button("Engine"), Sg.Button("Console"), Sg.Button("Exit")]] return Sg.Window("Smart chessboard", screen)
[docs]def create_engine_screen() -> Sg.Window: """ Creates the engine configuration screen :return: Screen with all configuration settings for the engine client """ screen = [[Sg.Text("Configure Engine:")], [Sg.FileBrowse('FileBrowse'), Sg.Input()], [Sg.Text('Engine time per move in s'), Sg.Input(key='time', enable_events=True)], [Sg.Text("Player color:"), Sg.Button('White', size=(4, 1), button_color=('black', 'white'), key='color')], [Sg.Button("Start Game"), Sg.Cancel()]] return Sg.Window("Smart chessboard", screen)
[docs]def play_console_screen() -> Sg.Window: """ Creates the console client configuration screen :return: Screen with all configuration settings for the console client """ screen = [[Sg.Text("Player color:"), Sg.Button('White', size=(4, 1), button_color=('black', 'white'), key='color')], [Sg.Button("Start Game"), Sg.Cancel()]] return Sg.Window("Smart chessboard", screen)
[docs]def get_opponent_from_gui() -> Optional[ClientInterface.ClientInterface]: """ Main GUI method which returns the client selected as opponent :return: The client to use as component or None if the GUI is closed """ window = create_start_screen() while True: event, values = if event == Sg.WIN_CLOSED or event == "Exit": window.close() return None if event == "": window.close() return set_up_game_chessdotcom() if event == "Engine": window.close() return set_up_game_engine() if event == "Console": window.close() return set_up_game_console() time.sleep(0.5)
[docs]def set_up_game_chessdotcom() -> ClientInterface.ClientInterface: """ Returns the client :return: A client instance """ return ChessDotComClient.ChessDotComClient() # Constructor opens chrome and blocks until game is started
[docs]def set_up_game_engine() -> Optional[ClientInterface.ClientInterface]: """" Opens GUI to configure the engine client :return: An instance of the engine client with the configured settings or None if the window is closed """ window = create_engine_screen() color = chess.WHITE move_time = 0.1 while True: event, values = if event == Sg.WIN_CLOSED: window.close() return None if event == "Cancel": return get_opponent_from_gui() if event == 'time' and values['time'] and values['time'][-1] not in '0123456789.-': move_time = float(values['time']) if event == "color": color = not color window.Element('color').Update(('Black', 'White')[color], button_color=((('white', 'black'), ('black', 'white'))[color])) if event == "Start Game": window.close() try: return EngineClient.EngineClient(not color, values['FileBrowse'], move_time) # not opponent.color except OSError: display_error("Could not start Engine") return set_up_game_engine()
[docs]def display_error(error: str): """ Displays a simple error message in a new window :param error: The message to display """ screen = [[Sg.Text(error)], [Sg.Button("OK")]] window = Sg.Window("Smart chessboard", screen) while True: event, values = if event == Sg.WIN_CLOSED or event == "OK": return
[docs]def set_up_game_console() -> Optional[ClientInterface.ClientInterface]: """" Opens GUI to configure the console client :return: An instance of the console client with the configured settings or None if the window is closed """ window = play_console_screen() color = chess.BLACK while True: event, values = if event == Sg.WIN_CLOSED: window.close() return None if event == "Cancel": return get_opponent_from_gui() if event == "color": color = not color window.Element('color').Update(('Black', 'White')[color], button_color=((('white', 'black'), ('black', 'white'))[color])) if event == "Start Game": window.close() return ConsoleClient.ConsoleClient(color) # not opponent.color