Source code for Clients.ConsoleClient
from chess import engine
from Clients import ClientInterface
import chess.engine
[docs]class ConsoleClient(ClientInterface.ClientInterface):
""" Defines commandline interface client, mainly for testing purposes """
[docs] def get_move(self) -> chess.engine.PlayResult:
""" Parses new move expected format <from_square><to_square> or a game end offer
Prints the current position and waits for an input move.
Input move should be in format <from_square><to_square> ie. e2e4 to move pawn to e4. The move should be
legal in the current position
:returns: Move played in engine plays format
while True:
txt = input("Set move:")
txt = txt.replace(" ", "")
draw = False
if txt == "resign":
self._resigned = True
return engine.PlayResult(None, None, resigned=True)
if "draw" in txt:
draw = True
txt = txt.replace("draw", "")
move = chess.Move.from_uci(txt)
if move in self._board.legal_moves:
print("not a legal move")
except ValueError:
print("Not parsed")
return engine.PlayResult(move, None, draw_offered=draw)
[docs] def set_move(self, move: chess.engine.PlayResult):
""" Report new move to the client
:param move: opponents move in engine format, only move field is used
if not move.resigned:
print("player resigned")
if move.move is not None:
if move.draw_offered:
print("Draw offered")